Temple Beth Shalom Men’s Club!
Choose your path and get involved at TBS! The option I lay before you is the TBS Men’s Club! Here’s a sample of what we have been up to over the years: Billiards Night, Brewery visits, Baseball Games, Always Awesome Bar-B-Q’s, Enough With The Latkes – Bring On The Vodkas Night Out, Brewery visits, Bowling Couples Night, Army Ice Hockey & Army Football Games, Learn To Brew Beer (our very own He-Brew!), Fishing Trips, did I mention Brewery visits, and so much more! Lately, upon request we have opened our events to our better halves – our Spouses, etc. to great success, fantastic attendance, & loads of Community FUN!
The TBS Men’s Club is most importantly a resource for the Temple when they need ‘Mad Skillz’ or even ‘No Skillz’ – but we’ll be there to help (try). From putting up a Sukkah, to replacing a light fixture, to remodeling a bathroom – we take on what we can to save the Temple money. Plain and simple – please get involved. Join us at any of our events – it’s truly a great bunch of guys! Despite what you may have heard! 😉 This can be your way of joining your Temple Community, it is after all… only what you make of it!
L’Chayim! Eric Goodman
TBS Second Vice President
TBS Men’s Club President
Westtown Brew Works - June 2022
Clemson Brewery - March 2018
Equilibrium Brewery - December 2021
Sukkah Builds
- 2022
- 2021
- 2021
- 2019