Why join Temple Beth Shalom?
To make a Jewish connection.
To take your place in the Jewish community.
To become part of the TBS family of members, our community, your community, and with God.
Why is temple affiliation important?
Active temple membership is critical to the vitality of our Jewish community. By joining Temple Beth Shalom, you keep the circle of Judaism alive and well, ensuring the continuity of our shared community. We’re here for you. We celebrate together. We learn together. We grieve and remember together. That’s what a temple community is.
Through these trying time, TBS members have celebrated and prayed together; we’ve kept alive our spiritual home, whether virtual or in person, always in our hearts.
Through all the trials and oppression of the Jewish people, it has been the temple that stands always ready to respond to the needs of each and every member, strengthening our commitment to the task of passing our tradition to the next generation – L’Dor V’Dor – from Generation to Generation.
What makes the TBS experience right for you?
Many factors contribute to a positive Temple experience – a thoughtful sermon, inspiring music, the companionship of friends, and comforting surroundings. From baby namings to funeral services, the benefits of Temple membership are numerous and varied. But the real benefit is community. As you are there for us, so too we are there for you. Your membership makes you part of our Jewish family.
Passing the Torch
We all want our children to attach importance to their Jewishness at an early age, and to get into the habit of thinking of themselves as young Jews who will take this lifestyle forward with them wherever life takes them. Our diverse educational programs ensure that our children will maintain a distinct set of values, observances, and traditions; traditions filled with long-lasting memories and connections.
Temple Beth Shalom is a welcoming community
At Temple Beth Shalom we welcome interfaith families and treat each family member with respect, inviting them to partake in and understand our traditions. Please follow this link for a 2006 sermon from Rabbi Shinder about our interfaith families.
What to expect
We will of course ‘noodge’ you to celebrate with us on holidays and encourage you to educate your children in our Hebrew School. We will urge you to pursue adult learning, to volunteer your time to support us, and to live ethically in today’s rather chaotic world. Our dedicated clergy, Rabbi Rebecca Shinder, will be there for you in both good and bad times to offer spiritual strength, consolation and guidance when needed by our membership family.
Our pledge to you
In the years ahead, Temple Beth Shalom will continue to nurture and celebrate our connection with God, cultivate the love and understanding of our Jewish heritage, and strengthen our vibrant Temple community through the whole-hearted practice of Tikkun Olam (“to repair our world”). Just as you take responsibility for our needs with your dedication and spiritual and financial support, we in turn pledge to care about yours. In our world, there is no such thing as – “I can’t afford to be a member”! Please visit us and decide for yourself!
2024-2025 Membership Dues
First Year (2024-2025) – $1000 for entire family + $125 Security fee Membership includes tickets to High Holiday services for the member and families. Please note that all membership levels will be assessed an additional $100 security fee. A building fund, payable over 5 years at $200 per year is assessed to help pay for repairs and maintenance of the temple. As an introductory member, new families are not required to pay into the fund until their second year as TBS members. |
Tuition K – 6th Grade – $450 per child Bar/Bat Mitzvah Grade 7 – $750 + $120 security for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Scholarships are available for families in need through the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County. |
If you have any questions about joining our temple family, please call our temple office at 845-651-7817.
If you are ready to join click here for a membership form.